The desire for us to paint furniture continues to increase as our customers are choosing to repurpose their furniture.  We’re enthusiasts of this concept so we’re excited to be doing more of it.  Some customers are interested in the environmental benefits — getting a second life out of something that is still sturdy, but looking a little worn out or dated. It is also economical to either acquire something used and “upgrade” through painting, or make something last longer than you expected. Either way it is certainly in line with “reduce, reuse, recycle!”


Other customers are excited by the design possibilities that painting furniture allows. Usually, you would have to embrace a room’s decor and you would have to search endlessly for a piece of furniture to compliment the room. By painting a piece of furniture to match your design, you are customizing your vision and life gets a whole lot easier.


In order to keep up with the growing demand, we recently added another spray booth to our shop. See what one of our experts, Mark Woodson, was recently working on below.

spray boothspray boothspray booth

spray boothspray boothspray booth