At H.J. Holtz & Son our talented craftsmen are often asked to create a painted graphic for our customers. A painted graphic can be anything from a pattern to a stripe… whatever the customer desires! Below are some examples of what our talented artists can do.
Recently we did a unique project with Janie Molster Designs, for Initiate-It, a local marketing firm, and it looks amazing! Using a word bank supplied by Initiate-It, our artists spread out across the wall, stenciling the words in chalk within the flow of a swirl. Emulating different fonts, widths, depth and height of letters; they used assorted brushes with different widths and sporadically placed color down the wall.
The finished product is an inspirational “graffiti” wall which showcases the ability of our artists to blend their improvisational skills and creativity into one.
The stripes on this wall is also an example of a painted graphic. The stripes are created by taping off the area, painting, then reverse painting. Notice that the whiteboard looks 3D!
This commercial garage is another example of a painted graphic. At first glance you may not notice all of the different shades in each geometric ribbon, though upon closer inspection you can see all detail that went into these walls. The colors and shape add interest while helping users find their car more easily.
A painted graphic is not exclusive to commercial buildings. In this homeowner’s garage we painted the faux chair rail. Graphic paint can be as simple as a single stripe in a room! In this situation the simple stripe divides the top and bottom color.
Or it can be complex like this this beautiful compass rose we painted in the Southern Traditions Homearama home in Hallsley. You can see the multiple colors used to create the depth of the arms and the light blue accent rings. The compass rose adds interest to the room and centers the light fixture in the nautical themed space.
Stenciling is another type of a painted graphic! Our own logo was stencil painted on the exterior of our building. Using the stencil kept the blue from bleeding into the red and white, recreating our logo at an astounding size. If you would like to explore including a painted graphic in your home or business give us a call for a free estimate.