It’s always fun to discover what decorating colors will dominate homes and styles each year. This year has been especially exciting since we’ve entered an era where creativity speaks volumes. As long as you have a good story to tell to validate your decorating style, almost anything goes. Of course, there are tasteful ways to do things, but the remarkable aspect is there are no rights or wrongs. You can choose what you love and make it your own. In terms of color, there are certain trends that we have seen emerge this year. Let’s take a look!

Most Popular Pick: Shades of brown

Brown is probably the most popular decorating color pick right now. Light browns are the biggest sellers, such as those that remind us of spices and beverages like mocha, gingerbread or cinnamon. What people love about brown is that it has a lot more kick compared to white walls, but it goes well with just about anything else: soft pinks, lavender, pastel greens and so on.

Earthy Tones: Shades of green, blue, tan and gray

Earthy tones have been popular for quite a while, and we’re seeing the same trend continue. The attraction to earthy tones is that they are subtle but add warmth and comfort. All of these colors are light, so you’ll see pastel greens, aqua blues and warm grays getting the spotlight. Also, with summer in bloom, green and blue hues are reminiscent of the beach.

Safe and Neutral: Cream and beige hues

Neutral colors never fade in popularity. We are still seeing plenty of people choose shades of beige or cream for their walls, especially if they like to switch up their decor a lot. But, color is still in, so what people do is choose bright, bold accessories like pillow covers, throw blankets, wall hangings and drapes that contrast well with a neutral backdrop. Perhaps the most popular neutral shade is gray, which spans from dark charcoal colors to soft, pearly tones.

Dark and Glamorous: Deep purple, black, crimson, burnt orange

At the polar end of the trends are savvy, dark colors like deep reds and purples. The appeal to these dark hues is that they bring plenty of character and personality so that all you have to do is choose simple furniture and wall hangings. Plus, metallic decor is popular right now, and a dark backdrop is the perfect way to highlight these accessories. Are there any colors that aren’t feeling the love? The colors you see above are replacing pinks, amethysts, sunny yellows and orange and gold tones. But don’t worry, the trends are always in motion!



If you have small rooms in your home, you may feel that the space is cramped and limited. But, there are creative ways that you can make a small space feel large. It all lies in the types of furniture you select, the colors you bring in and the lighting you apply. With a few clever tricks, you can fool yourself and your visitors into thinking your rooms are much larger than they are!

Let’s get started.

1. Opt for Light Colors

Light and brightly colored walls are reflective and make a space feel open and airy. Dark colors, on the other hand, absorb light and make rooms feel smaller. The best colors to choose include shades of white, cream, light greens or icy blues. Another smart trick is to paint your trim and moldings a lighter color than the walls. This fools the eyes into thinking that the wall is set further back and makes the room appear larger.

2. Utilize Natural Light

If you have access to natural light in your space, take advantage of it. Open windows and curtains and let the sunshine in – don’t worry about the dust! Natural sunlight has a way of brightening up a space and making it feel bright and open. If you have window treatments, opt for sheer curtains instead of dark, heavy ones. And, if the room doesn’t have a lot of windows, choose bright lights to achieve the same effect.

3. Be Smart About Arranging Furniture

Always place the largest pieces of furniture against walls so that you leave the middle of the room open. When possible, choose multi-purpose furniture such as armoires, coffee tables with shelves or ottomans that are both functional and beautiful. Wicker baskets are perfect for kid and pet toys, magazines or other clutter, and they don’t look out of place when pushed under a table or in a corner. Glass tables can also help in exposing more free space.

4. Less is More on the Walls

Having groups of small paintings can make a room feel cluttered. Instead, keep the walls open by choosing one or two large paintings instead. Mirrors can also be helpful in this respect since they give the illusion of depth and reflect natural and artificial light.

5. Clear the Clutter

Finally, do yourself a favor and de-clutter your space. This will make it feel larger, and help you to feel more organized. Decor is a lovely way to bring in color, style and character, but you don’t need to overwhelm your space. A few vases, picture frames or candles is all that is needed to bring your space together. Ditching an area rug and leaving the floor open also gives the illusion of more space.



With long, sunny days and warm temperatures upon us, it’s no wonder you have summer fever! After a long and particularly cold winter, it’s especially nice to see the sun shining through the windows and the flowers in full bloom. Chances are, you want to brighten up your home for the summer and make it feel fresh and lively. Getting there is half the fun; enjoying it is the other!

Let’s take a look at some of the fresh interior design ideas you can use this summer!

Incorporate Some White

Dark, bold colors are popular right now, but if you’re looking fresh interior designs to brighten up your space, don’t underestimate the power of white. You don’t have to paint the entire room white, but look at some spaces that could use a lift, such as a wood paneled wall or entryway.

Spruce Up Window Treatments

In the fall and winter, we want cozy, quaint homes. But in the summer, we thrive off spaces that are bright and airy. Take a look at those dark curtains and think about replacing them with lightweight sheer curtains. Faux wood blinds that let in natural sunlight are a good choice, too. The goal is to bring in the outdoors.

Tear Down a Wall

Sounds dramatic? Not exactly. Non-structural walls are easy to tear down, and it can open up your space without having to do a major makeover. Today’s modern homes feature open layouts, so you’ll definitely be making a smart move by turning a cramped layout into an open one that is perfect for summer entertaining. When the work is straightforward, we’ll take care of the whole thing. If knocking down a wall is a little more involved, we’ll bring in one of our partners, but remain your primary point of contact for the job.

Opt for Built-in Storage

Rooms that are cluttered feel small and tight. Of course, the first step is to declutter, but after that, consider built-in storage options like wall shelving or a bench against the wall. This storage is highly practical for toys, games, blankets or winter clothes, and it looks trendy, too. Again, we’ll bring in a trusted partner to create the storage and the look you want.

Incorporate Fresh Plants

Nothing says summer like fresh herbs, flowers and plants throughout the home. They can be the finishing touch you need after decluttering, cleaning and packing away winter stuff (heavy blankets, velvet pillows, etc). Fresh, colorful flowers like carnations and daffodils are cheap and will surely brighten up your home!

Choose Neon Accents

If your home has a fairly neutral palate to begin with (light colored walls and furniture, for instance), use neon colors to liven up the space. An accent wall, throw pillows, lightweight blankets and rugs are easy ways to transform your space for the summer – all on a budget, too! Don’t forget to check out flea markets and secondhand shops that sell unique decor cheap.