We recently earned a unique designation from one of our premier industry partners, Fine Paints of Europe. While we have been one of their certified painters (one of only 2 in the state of Virginia) since 2009, we have now been designated as a “Master Certified Painter.” There are currently only 11 in the country!

What does it mean to be a Master Certified Painter?

Fine Paints of Europe

The coatings offered by Fine Paints of Europe are not your everyday paints. Formulated to stringent European standards from the highest quality ingredients, they can be a challenge to work with. But oh is it worth the effort! Europeans typically move less often and therefore expect the paint on their walls and doors to resist wear and last longer. Our Fine Paints of Europe projects have lasted many years and often look as beautiful today as when we did the work.

For one, our clients have come to value the high gloss finish that is possible. This finish translates into a serious “wow” effect when used on front doors and is a great choice for furniture to ensure a durable surface. The dramatic green entryway to the left is an excellent example of what is possible (this showcase of our work has been a fixture on the Fine Paints of Europe website for years, by the way).

This post is simply to share our excitement about another recognition of our team’s craftsmanship. The Master Certified Painter designation is not something we had to jump through hoops to achieve. Instead, it is a recognition of the rigorous surface preparation skills we have developed and the care we take in applying a surface coating.

If you’re wondering why you might choose a premium paint like Fine Paints of Europe, feel free to give us a call, or stop by our trusted partner Palette Paint and Home of Richmond and Charlottesville, to learn more.